Wednesday, 25 September 2013

The Dead Rise Again.

So if you're like me and you've been counting down the months, days and hours until the new season of The Walking Dead come out you'll enjoy this post :)

Ever since the trailer came out for season four, i have buzzing with excitement. It looks so intense and thrilling. Hopefully, the first episode goes off with a bang and drama ensues from start to finish packed full of gory zombies and panic. If you haven't seen the trailer, stop reading and click here! It's the only one i could find that was the actual trailer and not just a weird compilation of the previous seasons in an odd format. So just close all the little red boxes, sit back and relax.

I will warn you now and say this post is going to be especially long as i will be going into detail my opinion and my findings from watching and re-watching the trailer so grab a cup of tea and get comfy, its about to be a long ride.

I would rather not spoil the experience for people who haven't seen it or haven't caught up with the last seasons episodes so here's my very first [SPOILER ALERT] because i will be discussing it all below and in another post.

The Trailer:
So it starts off at the Big spot store with a lovely shot of Mr Dixon being his usual aloof self. We see them starting to raid the store for 'specific items', which are unknown to us, with Tyreese cracking a few jokes along the way. And then... Oh hello there's new face. There's a new character and we have a little shot of him stood on guard outside the door. Now i'm assuming he moved over with all the other people In Woodbury but he may have joined the group another way. A Scream alerts the new fellow and panic starts.

Then we get a pan of the prison grounds with Carol and Daryl talking about the build-up of Walkers on the fences and explains how they are becoming more organised (Deep blue sea reference). The newbies then get their hands dirty with the clear up. A nice introductory shot of Michonne on a horse and Rick helping with the new gates. The prison looks like its had a lot of upgrades since the previous season, such as the gates.

Panic Panic! A girl screaming help and shots fired. Our favourite characters run the rescue to deal with the situation. "There's walkers in D!". And so panic riles and we wonder how Walkers managed to get in there. Did they die in there? Was there a murder and they didn't 'finish the job' properly? Did somebody attack the cell block? Rick and the Gang investigate the attack to see whom or what caused it. To me, the way this is shot hints towards it being either the Governor or and inside job.

At an Army/Medical camp the group search for supplies and the new guy I mentioned is with them and states he wants to start pulling his weight. I'm a little wary of this character and his portrayal is done well. They have made it so that there is just something slightly off about him. He doesn't scream backstabber or absolute nutcase like the Gov did, he's just a character to keep an eye on.

Carol is teaching the new little ones about knives and protecting themselves. I'm happy to see Carol take a more hands on role. Her character has always been a favourite of mine because shes a strong woman that doesn't fall under the usual butch stereotype. Also there is a little scene that will warm the cockles of your heart. A new little girl holds Carols hand and it makes you reminisce to when Sofia was around. Maybe a new character added to the main group for Carol to let her maternal side out on.

We get a few flashes of characters faces. Carol, Maggie, Carl, New Guy and the a behind shot of Tyreese looking at a blood trail. Many people have taken this to be a hint towards Lori and something to do with her. I wouldn't like to speculate on that, Its always been a bit of a mystery of what 'really happened to Lori'. if shes a walker roaming in the prison because Carl didn't/messed up the shooting or if she was all eaten up my the big fat walker that Rick let his fury out on. 

Hershel notes that maybe they should leave and Tyreese finally sees what was at the end of the blood trail. Of course we don't get to see (Damn you AMC) but it looks like a big plot twist waiting to happen as he looks pretty torn up about it. Maybe somebody he was close to was hurt or maybe its just something shocking to look at?

They lost 12 of the group. This is ambiguous in that we don't know if that all happened in the attack on the cell or maybe if something else big happens. Hershel states two more were killed in cold blood. Oh snap! Maybe there is inner conflicts to look forward to.

Other threats also seem to be bothering the group like rats being left out for the Walkers so they push up at the fence at specific one point, causing it to almost collapse and the group have to fend them off. This could cause trouble in the long run and who exactly is feeding the Walkers?

Rick is under a lot of stress and it shows when he speaks to Michonne. They worry is the prison is under risk as the Walker situation gets out of hand. Glenn and Maggie propose leaving the prison and we see a shot of Daryl on his bike and two cars following him out the gates. Are they actually leaving?

Macon! So if you played the walking dead game (telltale one) you will recognize Macon as the place Lee grew up in and where the family drugstore was when you met all the other characters like Lilly, Kenny etc. So maybe there will be some crossover from the TV show to the comic styles?

Rick cradles little baby Judith 'Ass-kicker' as we see one of the cars speed away. Carl and Hershel are in the woods and come upon a Walker that looks like its being reclaimed by nature. There has been some speculation about this also. Some think its Jim from season one whom they left beside the tree and I personally believed that at first because the circumstances fit. However, after re-watching it the Walker looks like a female which begs to question what is the significance?

The leaving group, which now looks to be Michonne, Daryl, New guy and Tyreese, are getting surrounded by a horde of zombies whilst in the car. They begin defending themselves but Tyreese looks a little down. We can also see he has a black eye? And where exactly is Sasha? i thought they were inseparable. Did she stay at the prison or has something much worse happened? Tyreese gets surrounded by the Walkers when he finally gets out the car and he may be in big trouble. The camera cuts away to see the new guy screaming.

More scenes of zombies and the group follow as Hershel delivers one of his epic speeches. "You step outside, you risk your life. Take a drink of water, you risk your life". 

Carol seems to get into some trouble whilst at the stream. New guys screams and we see Glenn's face. Maybe that's a hint? We see Daryl being held by his shirt and a fight starts involving his and Tyreese. That's possibly where Tyreese got his black eye?

Hershel continues:
"You dont have a choice. The only thing you can choose is what your risking it for".
I like this type of monologue over a video like this its very atmospheric and gets the audience excited. The trailer 'ends' with Rick pointing his gun at something or someone and shooting. Throughout the entire trailer we dont see that much of Rick which maybe hints at him taking a bit more of a back seat this season or maybe letting a few more people decide. Maybe its not a Ricktatorship anymore, personally i think he deserves a bit of time off since last season he went barking mad.

After the release date messages we get an extra little scene of the leaving party in the car. The car radio murmurs and crackles and a woman's voice appears in the noise. "Sanctuary. You arrive. You survive" she states. If your a reader of the comics, this will have meaning to you and its rather exciting to know that they are following a small part of the comics story line. 

Throughout the trailer we are given the message "This October fear the unknown". This possibly means maybe the Governor isn't a big problem in this season and that there may be bigger problems closer to home with people closer to our hearts.

I Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i like writing it. Yes it's a long one but as its TWD i hope most wont mind. 
I will be posting again in a few days recapping on the past three seasons. Maybe a post per season so its not incredibly long and boring.

Watch this space Zombie lovers.

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