Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Breaking Beauties.

Hello again!
Sorry for the lack of content in the past few weeks but i just haven't been able to blog. No No Delilah Dell is fine and well and still running on all cylinders, This time i was the ill one.

Usually when i'm ill i would do something like blogging or devour the entire virtual world of pinterest because i'm a fidget bug and can't sit doing nothing interesting for more than five minutes even when i'm dreaming. Yeah, i'm that much of a pain in the arse Bum!

Anyways, this time i couldn't go on my laptop or play on my tablet or watch TV/film or fiddle around with any gaming because i had severe migraines.
I actually wore sunglasses one day...
And one other fun fact you'll discover about me today is that 2 weeks without technology makes me want to cut a bitch cry. Some may think that it's disgusting how much i rely on tech, some will definitely relate to me. I once saw a guy cry because he had no WiFi signal. True story. He may have been drunk. Nevertheless, still a good argument.

So yeah, migraines suck.

Onto today's topic.
Most will have guessed by the post title so yes this is about one of my other loves (fun fact numero dos for the day) Breaking Bad.
Now everybody should know what Breaking Bad is. If not then pick of the following reasons why:

1. You've been living under a rock since 2008.
2. You don't understand the funnies.
3. Your a shameful human being.
(i'd go for number one if i was you)

In a nutshell:
Breaking Bad, for those who like rocks, is an AMC series (yeah the Walking Dead genius') which, without giving away actual spoilers, follows the lives of Walter White, a fifty year old chem lab teacher going through the turbulence of having stage 3 inoperable lung cancer with a baby on the way and worrying about his family after he is no more. He has a slowly budding partnership with Jesse Pinkman, an ex student of his turned drug dealer/addict with other problems to boot, exploring the world of cooking meth and gangsters.

If that didn't entice you then ill go all media student on your sorry selves. >:3

Until you've seen 1-3 episodes of BBad, you have not seen art in its true form. It has got to be the strangest show that i watch, that's saying something, yet i think its the most beautifully made, including TWD. It has very special little moments of parched dry humour that will make the grumpiest of people smirk. The first shot on the pilot is hilarious! The secret relationship between Walt and Jesse is fantastic.

"But meth?" i hear you ask:
What makes it even better is that a TV series based around the use of meth doesn't focus on the meth almost at all. When it does its almost as if the audience is desensitized to it which makes it all the more enjoyable to watch because your not sat there judging or thinking "oh no they're a bad person", your laughing along with the antics the meth situations create. Like Walt in his underpants, gloves, respirator mask and an apron that may as well say kiss the cook.
And of course anything to do with meth is a big no no and all the people who I've asked why they won't watch it have said "sounds pretty bad" "meth heads though?". I pity you because you don't come away from watching an episode thinking "hmm, lets go cook meth! Yey raging meth party!". If anything you come away thinking of all the funny lines that have been said throughout one episode.

Enticed yet? Thought so. You've just been media student'ed! Boom!

Not sure that works as a word..

Anyways i shall leave you with my favourite pictures that describe BBad to the tee.


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