Friday, 21 June 2013

50 Quick Random Facts About Me Tag #

Hello again. 
So I've been seeing this tagging floating about the blogs i follow and the Youtube channels i watch. So i thought why not? Plus its a way i can tell you more stuff about me. So we begin.

1. My favourite ice cream flavour is raspberry ripple.

2. I hate flying on a plane.

3. I refuse to watch these 3 films due to them freaking me the heck out:

James and the giant peach.
The mask (series).
Toy story 2 (only the Jessie parts)

4. My favourite colour is lilac/purple.

5. I'm 20 years old in October.

6. I'm in love with the smell of sun cream.

7. Because of this ^ my favourite Yankee candle fragrance is sun & sand.

8. I got my first 'build a bear' last Christmas. I was a gift from my boyfriend and was in the form of a koala named Rweggie.

9. Not a huge fan of white chocolate.

10. My favourite holiday is Halloween. Boo!

11. I cut my hair really boy short once. It does not suit me like the hairdresser said and i shall never be doing it again. Didn't help that my hair was cosmic blue in those days (yes, i was one of those)

12. My favourite TV show is The Walking Dead. Also, fun fact, whenever i read those words i say it in the dramatised way the TV show does in my head. Ah bliss.

13. Mushrooms and Onions are at the top of my 'will not eat' list. sushi has been recently added.
14. I don't do bugs. End of.

15. I'm a university student. I study graphic design. Ooh Err :D

16. I have rather odd looking toes. 

17. I don't have one single favourite band. I like lots of different stuff. However it is mostly all within the vast rock genre.

18. I prefer to write in blue ink pens. Not entirely sure why...

19. I don't have claustrophobia but i cant stand being in close proximity to people i don't know. gets me all of a bother.

20. I met my best friend in the first year of high school. She broke my toe but i still adore her.

21. I like sleeping in socks.

22. Is the date of my birth.

23. Favourite film set is probably the Dark Knight Trilogy.

24. I like comics, alot. 

25. I've only ever seen two 3D films. Avatar and The Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby wins hands down.

26. I love me some horror films.

27. Tattoos fascinate me, however I'm a bit of wimp when it comes to needles.

28. My Starbucks order is always a caramel cream frappacino, whatever the weather.

29. Ive been in a relationship with my boyfriend for the past 6 years. 7 in October.

30. I cant do maths. i knew enough to scrape through my GCSE's but that's about it. all the rest goes over my head.

31. Best concert i have ever been to was Muse, the Madness tour.

32. Woo woos are my favourite cocktail, however, I'm not a big drinker.

33. When i was younger people, much to my distaste, nicknamed me Sassy and Saz. Not particularly fond of them to be honest.

34. While writing and rewriting this list out, i missed out this number. Twice.

35. I don't like watermelon. The smell or taste. The people of Haribo ruined my favourites (tangfastics) by putting those stupid slices in the mix. Now all i smell is watermelon when i open them.

36. Now all of woman kind will kill me for saying this: I don't like the film Dirty Dancing. Sorry ladies but i just don't see what all the fuss is about.

37. I'm an atheist. I wont delve into this much but i do believe that if i did believe in Christianity i would be a bit of a hypocrite as some of my personal beliefs would be conflicted.

38. I haven't yet told my mother of this fact ^ due to the possible reaction i may get. She was raised catholic and is a firm believer.

39. Ive dyed my hair numerous colours. the infamous cosmic blue, red and pink to name a few

40. I love eating ice cubes.

41 ^ Despite having incredibly sensitive teeth.

42. I love all manner of animals (except bugs of course)

43. The smell of sweet and sour Chinese food makes me gag.

44. I cannot say these words for the life of me:

Statistics. (i end up saying sticsticstics)
specific. (i end up saying pacific)

45. I love the welsh accent.

46. I choose coca-cola over Pepsi. but neither beats good ol' irn bru!

47. I wear glasses for i am short sighted. When i first put them on, my reaction was "wawwww. no way people see like this the entire time!" i then proceeded to ignore my business lesson and stare out the window at the new found wonders of the world.

48. I would love to visit America.

49. Fake baking is the only way have some resemblance of a tan in England. Including sunbeds.

50. One of my favourite quotes is "Not all who wander are lost", yet i have no idea who said it, when or why.

So i hope you enjoyed getting to know me better.

^ A cheeky shot of number 31 :)

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